Associated Barber College of San Diego

CareersBarbering for Kids: Making Haircuts Fun and Stress-Free

Barbering for Kids: Making Haircuts Fun and Stress-Free

Getting a haircut can be a daunting experience for children. The unfamiliar sights, sounds, and sensations of a barbershop can cause anxiety, making the process stressful for both the child and the barber. However, with the right approach, barbering for kids can be transformed into a fun and enjoyable experience. At Associated Barber College, we emphasize the importance of creating a child-friendly environment that makes haircuts a positive experience for young clients. In this blog post, we’ll explore tips and techniques for making kids’ haircuts fun and stress-free, ensuring that both the child and their parents leave the barbershop happy.

Understanding the Challenges of Cutting Kids’ Hair

Common Fears and Anxieties

Children often experience anxiety during haircuts for a variety of reasons. The sound of clippers, the sensation of scissors close to their head, and the requirement to sit still for an extended period can all contribute to their discomfort.

Common Fears in Kids

  • Fear of the Unknown: Many children are afraid of haircuts simply because it’s an unfamiliar experience.
  • Noise Sensitivity: The loud buzzing of clippers can be overwhelming for kids, especially those with sensory sensitivities.
  • Fear of Pain: Children may associate haircuts with the possibility of getting hurt, especially if they’ve had a negative experience in the past.

The Importance of Patience and Understanding

Barbering for kids requires a unique blend of technical skill, patience, and understanding. It’s important for barbers to recognize the fears that children may have and to approach each child with empathy and care.

Approach to Working with Kids

  • Gentle Communication: Speak softly and calmly to reassure the child and explain each step of the process in a way they can understand.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Praise the child for sitting still and being cooperative, offering encouragement throughout the haircut.
  • Flexibility: Be prepared to adjust your approach based on the child’s comfort level, whether that means taking breaks or switching to quieter tools.

Creating a Child-Friendly Environment

Designing a Kid-Friendly Barbershop

The environment plays a crucial role in making haircuts less intimidating for children. A child-friendly barbershop design can make a significant difference in how comfortable and relaxed kids feel.

Elements of a Kid-Friendly Barbershop

  • Colorful Décor: Bright, cheerful colors and playful decorations can create a welcoming atmosphere that appeals to children.
  • Themed Chairs: Offering fun, themed chairs (such as car or animal-shaped seats) can make the haircut feel more like playtime.
  • Child-Sized Tools: Using smaller, child-friendly tools can make the experience less intimidating and more comfortable for the child.

Entertainment Options

Keeping children entertained during their haircut is key to ensuring they stay calm and cooperative. Providing various forms of entertainment can help distract them from any anxiety they may feel.

Entertainment Ideas

  • TV Shows and Movies: Playing popular children’s TV shows or movies can capture their attention and keep them still.
  • Toys and Games: Having a selection of toys or interactive games available can help kids feel more at ease.
  • Books and Storytelling: Reading a story to the child or allowing them to look at a book can be a soothing distraction.

Techniques for Cutting Kids’ Hair

Preparing the Child for the Haircut

Preparation is key when it comes to cutting kids’ hair. Taking a few moments to prepare the child can make the haircut go much more smoothly.

Preparation Tips

  • Show and Tell: Show the child the tools you’ll be using and let them feel or hold them if they’re curious. This helps demystify the process.
  • Explain the Process: Walk the child through what will happen during the haircut in simple, reassuring terms. Let them know that it’s okay to ask questions or say if they feel uncomfortable.
  • Involve the Parents: Parents can be a great source of comfort. Encourage them to stay close by and provide reassurance during the haircut.

Cutting Techniques for Kids

When it comes to actually cutting a child’s hair, there are several techniques that can help make the process quicker, safer, and more comfortable.

Effective Techniques

  • Scissor Over Comb: For younger children or those who are afraid of clippers, using the scissor-over-comb technique can be quieter and less intimidating.
  • Quick Sections: Work quickly but carefully, cutting the hair in small sections to avoid dragging out the process.
  • Distract and Cut: Keep the child engaged with conversation or entertainment while you cut, so they’re less focused on the haircut itself.

Handling Uncooperative Behavior

Despite your best efforts, some children may still be uncooperative or resistant to getting a haircut. It’s important to handle these situations with patience and understanding, rather than forcing the child to sit still.

Strategies for Managing Resistance

  • Take Breaks: If the child becomes upset or restless, don’t hesitate to take a short break. Let them move around or engage with a toy before resuming.
  • Offer Choices: Giving the child a sense of control can help reduce resistance. Offer them choices, such as which chair they’d like to sit in or which video they’d like to watch.
  • Use a Gentle Touch: Avoid applying pressure or holding the child’s head too firmly. A gentle touch helps them feel more secure and less threatened.

Building Trust with Young Clients

Establishing a Positive Relationship

Building a trusting relationship with young clients is essential for ensuring future haircuts are stress-free. When children feel comfortable with their barber, they’re more likely to relax and enjoy the experience.

Building Trust

  • Consistency: Try to have the same barber cut the child’s hair each time. Familiarity helps build trust and reduces anxiety.
  • Remembering Preferences: Take note of the child’s likes and dislikes—whether it’s a favorite show or a preferred hairstyle—and incorporate these into the experience.
  • Celebrating Success: Praise the child at the end of the haircut, and consider offering a small reward, such as a sticker or lollipop, to create a positive association with the experience.

Communicating with Parents

Effective communication with parents is key to ensuring a successful haircut. Discuss the child’s behavior, any challenges encountered, and tips for making future haircuts easier.

Parent Communication Tips

  • Provide Feedback: Let parents know how the child handled the haircut and offer suggestions for what might help next time.
  • Seek Input: Ask parents for advice on what usually helps calm their child and any strategies they use at home.
  • Plan for the Future: Discuss any specific requests the parents might have for future haircuts, and schedule the next appointment if possible.


Barbering for kids can be a rewarding experience when approached with the right mindset, techniques, and environment. By creating a child-friendly atmosphere, using effective cutting techniques, and building trust with young clients, barbers can turn what might be a stressful experience into a fun and positive one. At Associated Barber College, we prepare our students to handle all types of clients, including children, with professionalism, patience, and care. By mastering the art of cutting kids’ hair, barbers can ensure that both children and their parents leave the shop with a smile.